She:kon (Greetings)
I am honored that you have visited my site, This site is my attempt along with my personal blog (Wordpress site ) to document my search to reconnect with my Native American Roots. As well as being an outlet for me to share photo's and other things that interest me. At the top if you hit home you can send me an email from there, or you can connect via Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Wordpress by pressing the symbols at the right.
(Thank You) for stopping bye and visiting me. I hope that you send me an email if you have any questions.
Mom & Dad sitting with Me Standing ( Tim Horton's 2013)
On this site I will add random things associated with my life, Above are links to my Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus as well as my WordPress site. My WordPress Site "A Journey To My Elders is a journal of my search for my Native American Roots. Documented there and on my My Heritage site which is linked on my WordPress site.