Photos of Maternal Family & Dear Friends
"Auntie" Frances Derouchie and "Uncle" Elder David Jock two of the most beautiful people I have had the honor to meet and get to know. They both teach me wonderful things and I love them both. Frances also makes beautiful Ribbon shirts and dresses as well as teaches me every day how to live as a Mohawk man should. The creator put these two on earth as a blessing to us all.
Dad (Step Father Ron Little) , Mom (Margaret), Sister (Lisa)
Nephew Don Marlin, Dad (Ron Little) , Niece Shereena Sauve, Shereena's Baby, Mom (Marg), and Sister Lisa
Marching Down Princess Street on a snowy day. Early 2013 I am marching under the Unity Flag with another draped around my shoulders on right. sister Lisa is front and centre.
My nephew Don Marlin a fine young man. Mohawk/Ojibiway/Cree
Doug is one of the kindest souls a person can meet. Lisa is on right.
On this site I will add random things associated with my life, Above are links to my Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus as well as my WordPress site. My WordPress Site "A Journey To My Elders is a journal of my search for my Native American Roots. Documented there and on my My Heritage site which is linked on my WordPress site.